A stroke of luck Neighbours: 3 homes 3 courses
Neighbours can enrich your life. From an occasional chat or help in difficult situations to close friendships, anything is possible under one roof. That's demonstrated by two quite different neighbourhood stories in the vicinity of Alfred Müller AG.
A brief chat in the lift or at the letterbox: that neighbourly interaction wasn't enough for some residents at Grafenaustrasse in Zug. They wanted to get better acquainted in an evening over four courses in four homes. That was ten years ago. Those get-togethers still happen today. Tonight three couples are involved: Nicole and Carlo, Beat and Claudia, Iris and Hans.
Nicole and Carlo know everyone, but the others are meeting for the first time. Beat and Claudia serve the aperitif at their place: Salami, parmesan and bruschetta, accompanied by white wine and a glorious sunset. The conversation gets going immediately. Pigeon problems, a bathtub with a view and a trip to Albania are discussed. The time flies by.
At Nicole and Carlo's, the sauce is sizzling, the guests admire the delicate wine glasses and a newly painted wall. The linguine al ragù and tomato sauce is mouth-watering and stimulates table talk. About meat and fish. Claudia isn't keen on one, and Iris can't force down a single bite of the other. Carlo, on the other hand, enthuses about salted cod. The talk moves on to travel. Beat, Claudia, Iris and Hans discover that they're all passionate motorbikers.
Iris serves dessert in her sofa corner: a creamy mousse made with apple and pear juice, apple tart, served with a dessert wine. The drink prompts the group to talk shop, and other topics of conversation carry them deep into the night. "You get to know each other from a lot of angles – the home, the food and the conversation. It's amazing," says Nicole. Claudia is enthusiastic as well: "The way everybody enjoyed themselves so much was great."
A lovely format for thriving neighbourliness.